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Key to... The Roman Empire and its Impact on Britain




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Developed by a history specialist Stuart Tiffany (Mr T Does History) to provide this primary KS2 history Key to the National Curriculum resource. This unit encourages children to investigate and comprehend the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.

Following the National Curriculum, this module will help children to understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses.

Your children will learn about…

  • The concept of an empire and how to identify the spread of the empire over time
  • the principle of chronological concurrence
  • invasion as a concept
  • how the Romans took and maintained control of Britain
  • Roman settlements in order to understand their significance
  • What the Romans brought to Britain and appreciate the legacy they left behind
  • The end of Roman Britain

and will love the engaging worksheets and activities investigating…

  • The countries the Romans conquered
  • scaled timelines showing the stages of Roman history
  • the choices that the leaders Boudicca and Cartimandua made
  • the importance of sewers and toilets and how this changed life for the better for people in terms of their health and hygiene.
  • how  life moved on and change after the Roman legions left and as the AngloSaxons gradually took over

which in turn will help them to…..

  • talk about the expansion, contraction and fall of the Roman empire
  • sequence events chronologically and begin to make links between events                
  • understand the concept of invasion, resistance and conquest
  • identify the impact the Romans made on lives, that can still be seen today
  • see changes over time as part of understanding history

These are just a few examples of what The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain key unlocks!

Purchase today to get access to the planning leaflet, worksheets, video links and suggested activities and be ready to deliver engaging KS2 primary history to your children today!



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