Specialist supplier of inexpensive, exciting & unusual artefacts.



Hire Our Great Products

Many of Starbeck's incredible items are available to hire. We have a wide range of topic boxes with rental periods totally flexible to suit you. There is no minimum or maximum hire period. If the hire period crosses holiday time, the holiday dates do not count in the hire period. We will deliver the artefacts before your hire period dates start and usually collect after or at a time that is convenient for you. All you have to do is send us details of the topic(s) that you're interested in and the dates and we'll send you details of the collection(s) we currently have available and a quote. There are no joining fees - each hire agreement is bespoke for you. The minimum charge is £20 (excl delivery) per booking.

As a guide, our hire charges are 10% of the collection's value for the first 2 weeks; then 2% per week for any subsequent weeks. Plus a delivery/collection total charge of £20. Not everything is available to hire. We do not hire fragile items or textiles. Any of the hired items can be purchased after the loan period. When this happens, you will be invoiced for the value of the item(s) less any hire charges you have already been invoiced for.

We also supply film, tv and theatre companies, photographers, artists, interior deigners, special event companies etc.

Please contact Peter Wallin on 01765 607 815 or peter@starbeck.com to discuss hiring.